White Antenna Wasp Moth
Amata nigriceps
body of a wasp, wings like a moth
I spotted this strange insect on a sign on my way to Talisay from Lake Taal in southern Luzon.
Dumaguete, Negros Oriental, Philippines
Spotted on Mar 20, 2005
Submitted on May 20, 2011
Nice wasp moht picture
Thanks for the group effort on ID and nice comments on this one Gordon, Reanna, Ashish and alice.
Beautiful Moth.
Reanna, As I've mentioned before insects can be so very difficult to ID. Sometimes it is something like white tips on the antennae. You did a great job in narrowing it down and all I did was tweak it a bit.
Its must be Orange spotted tiger moth
Yeah I missed the white tips. You are correct I think Gordon. They all look so similar. :)
Gordon you are right Tiger Moth...!!
I should have added that Dan's image shows white tips on the antennae.
Rheanna, I think your very close. What about the White Antenna Wasp Moth - Amata nigriceps at http://www.brisbaneinsects.com/brisbane_...
I think it's definitely a wasp moth, just which one exactly I'm not certain. I found these two suggesting it might be an Orange Back Wasp Moth.
They look really close.
I wonder if this is a tiger moth? Some tiger moths have very wasp-like characteristics--even more so than this one--and heavily marked wings like this one.