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Red Deer

Cervus elaphus

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Noe and Pili
Noe and Pili 13 years ago

Thanks! I don't know who can live there or it is something made by the water but definitely I'm going to look for the answer :)

Hema  Shah
Hema Shah 13 years ago

never mind on second thought it might be just an outlet for accumulated water!!

Hema  Shah
Hema Shah 13 years ago

This is a great pic!
Underneath the trees , I noticed animal holes. Do you know who lives there? I would be quite excited to know that!

Noe and Pili
Spotted by
Noe and Pili

Torrejón el Rubio, Extremadura, Spain

Spotted on Apr 18, 2011
Submitted on Jun 12, 2011

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