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4 Species ID Suggestions

HemaShah 13 years ago
Poecilotheria regalis
Chaco Golden Knee
Grammostola pulchripes Grammostola pulchripes
Brian Santos
Brian Santos 11 years ago
Brazilian Black and White Tarantula
Nhandu coloratovillosus
Brazilian Whiteknee
Acanthoscurria geniculata Brazilian whiteknee tarantula

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dover51 9 years ago


Jack Settle
Jack Settle 11 years ago

sjl197v2 yeah I was leaning more towards the Acanthoscurria or Nhandu side of things, but I saw a suggestion about G. pulchripes. You're right

sjl197v2 11 years ago

To me much more likely Acanthoscurria cf geniculata than other options, but possibly a Nhandu sp. Absolutely not a Grammostola or Poecilotheria. It's in captivity, so a solution is to ask what the label on the container said, and 'he' has a good chance of being a 'she'. :)

Jack Settle
Jack Settle 11 years ago

massimilianotarello: is the leg coloring white or yellow? Looks to me like either an Acanthoscurria sp., Nhandu sp., or if it's yellow, possibly Grammostola pulchripes. Does not look at all like a Poecilotheria sp. to me. (resources: owner of 6 tarantulas, 1 scorpion, and a snake, and I have a wide range of knowledge concerning tarantulas).

Hemma: all tarantulas are venomous. They are not poisonous, which means they would harm you if you ingested them. The toxicity of the venom varies between species of tarantula.

StefanoCorona 13 years ago

Ma questa è per caso la tarantola di Gabri? Non è una di quelle che abbiamo visto al museo quel giorno?

massimilianotarello 13 years ago

Thank u emma... i would tell him immediately...

alicelongmartin 13 years ago

He is a beauty. I had a friend that kept a couple. Always gave it is water by soaking a piece of cotton and it would suck the water out.

Hema  Shah
Hema Shah 13 years ago

You should ask your friend to see the movie "Out Of Africa."
In this movie a young boy starts collecting fancy African snakes even though his mom is so scared. Soon after they celebrate his 16th birthday the boy is bitten by one of his snakes . He dies. After that as a tribute all the snakes are released back into the river Snakes are very happy to be free and be back home. But the young boy is dead and nothing can bring him back!

Hema  Shah
Hema Shah 13 years ago

It takes just one bite sometimes!!

massimilianotarello 13 years ago

Yes!!! but he's really mad... he has a lot of species of venomous snakes and horrible insects :-)

Hema  Shah
Hema Shah 13 years ago

Does your friend know that some species of Tarantulas are poisonous ?

massimilianotarello 13 years ago

Yes it was... sorry for my poor english but i'm italian... we found it in Turin and i was a lil' bit scared because it was in a marvellous park called Valentino!!! But we don't know why a spider like that was all alone in Italy... so one of my friends who really loves spider takes it home... and that's where i've taken this picture

Dan Doucette
Dan Doucette 13 years ago

Kind of looks like it's in an aquarium, doesn't it?

Gina9210 13 years ago

my guess, Brazilian whiteknee tarantula

Gina9210 13 years ago

where did you spotted it please?

Gina9210 13 years ago

hi, can you tell me a bit about this big guy.

Spotted on May 8, 2011
Submitted on Jun 10, 2011

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