A worldwide community photographing and learning about wildlife
Project Noah Nature School
I really really want to identify this Caterpillar. Does someone have any idea what specie is this?
Can't help with ID, but love the composition of your photo!
Gorgeous I meant!!
Forgets markings!Nick
I think they might be moths...
How does the butterfly look like?
Amazing..I never expect a pest on Palm trees..!
Spotted on May 30, 2007 Submitted on Jun 11, 2011
and 5 other people favorited this spotting
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I really really want to identify this Caterpillar. Does someone have any idea what specie is this?
Can't help with ID, but love the composition of your photo!
Gorgeous I meant!!
Forgets markings!
I think they might be moths...
How does the butterfly look like?
Amazing..I never expect a pest on Palm trees..!