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Feral cat

Felis catus


A cat I photographed from my car. It stuck around for a few photographs and once it realized there was no food to be had, it slinked between the bars and went inside an abandoned house

1 Species ID Suggestions

1Sarah2 13 years ago
Domestic cat
Felis Catus Cat

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Egyptflower 12 years ago

Hi! If possible, can you trap, neuter, release this cat and visit: If you neuter feral cats, it decreases the amount of feral cats and increases the amount of small animals that they eat. Thanks!

Hema  Shah
Hema Shah 13 years ago

It is so beautiful!!

Spotted by

Mazatlán, Sinaloa, Mexico

Spotted on Jun 17, 2011
Submitted on Jun 17, 2011

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