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Marlothi's Mountain Aloe

Aloe marlothii


The trunk is densely covered by withered old leaves, which when green can be up to 1.5m in length and usually densely covered in short spines on the convex lower surfaces and less so on the concave upper surfaces.




I spotted this at a camp in Kruger national park. I have the same plant in my indoor collection about two-thirds the size. I've had it for over 14 years and its never flowered.

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Gina9210 13 years ago

Ohh.... no wonder it seems they were avoided for personal use. Thanks Dan!

Dan Doucette
Dan Doucette 13 years ago

Actually Gina of the 299 species of Aloe, only a few were used traditionally as medicine, with Aloe vera being the most common. This species might not be good for your skin.

Gina9210 13 years ago

If I was the one who's minding this Aloe, for sure there where no old leaves hanging, it will be just the fresh ones, they been gone to good use :-))

Ashish Nimkar
Ashish Nimkar 13 years ago

Must +30 years old plant..!!

Gina9210 13 years ago

Wow! this is a perfect aloe leaves for me huge! Look no one is using the leaves...

Dan Doucette
Spotted by
Dan Doucette

Limpopo, South Africa

Spotted on Feb 22, 2006
Submitted on Jun 22, 2011

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