East African land snail, Caramujo Africano(PT-BR)
Achatina fulica
Big and bad. Not natural from Brazil, causing a lot of problems here. Destroy plantations and kills other snails.
Caçapava, São Paulo, Brazil
Spotted on Jun 24, 2011
Submitted on Jun 24, 2011
No, I'm sorry, I do not have any more photos! But I will keep an eye out for snails from now on!Your snail has a point at the end, the snail my daughter found on the bank of a lake was round. I will have to look it up when I get some time.
The image is not very clear, but it´s not like this one. It´s not as long as the African snail. Do you have another picture?
Hi, I found old photo of snail.Not sure it is like yours?
Oh, I did not hear about that!! We have invasive species here too that take over and destroy the habitat of the native plants and fish.
We recently found a snail in a river that looks something like that one. I will take a photo tomorrow to upload and compare the two.
It was illegally introduced in Brazil, as a substitute of the escargot another snail. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Escargot). Now it´s a prague. And not only here, all around the world.
Yes, it´s an air-breathing land snail.
All about it:
How did it get there? Does it live on land?