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American Chestnut

Castanea dentata


If you search enough you can occasionally see chestnuts in the 20-30 foot range, even though fully grown trees are almost totally absent from the eastern U.S. This tree may survive long enough to flower and perhaps produce fruit in the next few years.

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yes, I recognize the leaves immediately. take good care of the tree, I hope it finally brings you flowers.

Hema  Shah
Hema Shah 13 years ago

Yes Scott, MT Diablo in California. But those chestnuts are not edible.

ScottRasmussen 13 years ago

Is that Mt. Diablo in California? Here's an interesting article about efforts to save the American Chestnut, starting almost 100 years ago, by growing it in CA;

Hema  Shah
Hema Shah 13 years ago

Mt Diablo has a lot of chestnuts. Though i have never seen this tree on Mt Diablo.

Spotted by

Massachusetts, USA

Spotted on Jun 30, 2011
Submitted on Jul 1, 2011

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