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Bowen Mango

Mangifera indica

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Christiane 11 years ago

Thanks metreebug.. :)

metreebug 11 years ago

I like the picture!

Christiane 12 years ago

So there is another reason for being part of the Project Noah.. :D

Hema  Shah
Hema Shah 12 years ago

that gives me an incentive to try my dehydrator. Thanks!

Christiane 12 years ago

My dehydrator leaves no moisture behind. Just give it a try.. I make the Roll ups from 100 Fruit, no sugar or syrup. Pineapple/Mango/Passions-fruit/Banana is really nice!

Hema  Shah
Hema Shah 12 years ago

Roll ups is a great idea. I have a dehydrator, have not tried it yet. I heard that it does not dehydrate 100 percent. Leaves moisture behind.

Christiane 12 years ago

I make Mango Fruit Roll Ups.. Dehydrate them.. Pickle them.. Freeze them!! I have found a 1000 ways to use them.. I even made RUM POT!! Dehydrating is great for apple too!

Hema  Shah
Hema Shah 12 years ago

what do you do with the yeild?
I usually freeze my tomatoes. The lemon yield I am able to deal with. But the apples are sometimes out of control and it is a shame to see them being wasted. and this I am talking about one apple tree only.

Christiane 12 years ago

Mmmm I love Green Mango Pickle or Mango Chutney! I made that last year and just finished the last glass! We have lots of trees in the neighborhood and most people here don't like Mangoes!

Hema  Shah
Hema Shah 12 years ago

it is so difficult to get really raw and crisp mangoes for making pickle. The raw are 6 dollars for two mangoes. Even after paying that much you might end up getting tender ones which have begun to ripe.
I was planning on making pickle in mustard oil this time. Will have to go back to the chinese store to see if they might still have some.
The pickle is very tasty with rice and lentils.dal.

Christiane 13 years ago

I can't wait for the Mangoes to grow.. My tree just has the first flowers!

Hema  Shah
Hema Shah 13 years ago

I love raw mangoes too!

Christiane 13 years ago

I just had Mango-Passions-fruit jam for breaky..

alicelongmartin 13 years ago

Just had part of a Mango for breakfast. They are so good!

Spotted by

Queensland, Australia

Spotted on Oct 25, 2010
Submitted on Jul 13, 2011

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