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Variegated Fritillary Butterfly

Euptoieta claudia


The Variegated Fritillary is widespread and common in the southern U.S. It is mainly found in grasslands, farmland, roadsides and other open areas; mountain meadows, everywhere but dense forests. Frequently strays northward in such numbers as to become common all the way to Canada. Its flight is low and direct, with very little swooping or diving, and it is an avid visitor of flowers and other liquid sources.

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1 Comment

alicelongmartin 13 years ago

This is a Varigated Fritillary Butterfly, but your picture is more yellow than the real butterfly that is orange. ID is Euptoieta claudia. Still a very pretty picture.

Pennsylvania, USA

Spotted on Jul 30, 2011
Submitted on Jul 30, 2011

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