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Queen Anne's Lace or Wild Carrot

Daucus Carota


The flowering plant in the foreground right reminds me of Queen Ann's Lace found in the south, but larger.


Considered a noxious weed by many.

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BethAngermeier 12 years ago

Thank you. It was a lovely spot!

BethAngermeier 12 years ago

Thanks, Alice. Well, I looked at both and still think it could be Queen Anne's Lace. Hopefully someone can ID for sure.

Cicuta virosa?

alicelongmartin 12 years ago

It could be Yarrow, not quite as lacey as Queen Anne's. But the background is breath-taking! Thanks for sharing.

Spotted by

Spotted on Jul 3, 2011
Submitted on Aug 10, 2011

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Queen Ann's Lace Queen Anne's Lace Queen Anne's lace Queen Anne's Lace
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