André, seja bem vindo ao Noah. Agora arruma uma máquina e sai tirando fotos que eu sei que tem muita coisa legal ai para você fotografar. Não se preocupe com o inglês, pode escrever em português se achar mais fácil. Se quiser algumas dicas de máquinas fotográficas eu te ajudo. Abraços !
94 Comments (1–25)
Hi Rubens, I have removed the comment from your spotting and asked our team to take the necessary action. Please accept our apologies.
What text you are talking about ?
Now that I see this de nuevo, I am amazed all over again! So amazing.
I didn't even know that was a spider. And thats the point! Nice spotting!
That is incredible and amazing. Very cool.
Thank you all for the comments. This little creature is really incredible!
Muito interessante, Rubens.
great series
WOW!! Fantastic
Oh my gosh! Photo #4. Almost freaked me out! So amazing! I am shaking my head in disbelief. Fantastic!
Incredible series Rubens..!
that is amazing!!!!!!
Nice pic!
Completely awesome... I stared at the second photo for ages before I saw the whole spider.
Completely awesome... I stared at the second photo for ages before I saw the whole spider.
made me laugh ! - what a creature - fantastic camouflage . You must have some amazing creatures in your part of the world.
André, seja bem vindo ao Noah. Agora arruma uma máquina e sai tirando fotos que eu sei que tem muita coisa legal ai para você fotografar. Não se preocupe com o inglês, pode escrever em português se achar mais fácil. Se quiser algumas dicas de máquinas fotográficas eu te ajudo. Abraços !
Very loko, easy to camouflage had never seen an animal at all!
Thank you Craig, it's really very different and cool !
Jumps straight to the top of the coolest spider in the world for me, amongst some very strong competition! Thank you!!
Am I the only one here who thinks this looks a lot like some character from the Muppet Show (when seen in profile)? :-)
Thanks Raul !
Incredable spider, I never seen such camuflage, looks like a hermit crab.