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White- Winged Dove

Zenaida asiatica


The White-winged Dove (Zenaida asiatica) is a dove whose native range extends from the south-western USA through Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean. It has also been introduced to Florida. The White-winged Dove is expanding outside of its historic range into Kansas, Arkansas, Oklahoma, and northern New Mexico. Unlike most of the White-winged Doves in Texas, the doves in these regions do not migrate in winter. The rock singer Stevie Nicks, a native of Arizona, where the bird is most common in the USA, mentions the White-winged Dove and its call prominently in her 1981 hit "Edge of Seventeen".


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Hector Trevino
Spotted by
Hector Trevino

Houston, Texas, USA

Spotted on Jul 2, 2011
Submitted on Aug 30, 2011

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