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Humphead Wrasse

Cheilinus undulatus


Coral reef

1 Species ID Suggestions

MaryJaworski 13 years ago
Napoleon wrasse
Cheilinus undulatus Humphead wrasse

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AmeliaGuo 12 years ago

Thank you! I will edit it. It was on National Museum of Marine Biology's tank ^^

LauraMaria 13 years ago

Amelia, a great portrait of a very striking fish! Mary got the ID spot on, this is a Napoleon wrasse, which is also called the humphead wrasse :) Could you update your spotting with the details? Thanks! Also, just wondering if you saw this in a tank or saw it while diving - just curious because the lighting is fantastic haha!

Spotted by

Pingtung, Taiwan

Spotted on Jul 21, 2011
Submitted on Sep 12, 2011

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