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(Submitted by Kristi Aljinovich-bio 102-Angela Jamison) Ive taken these pictures at my job, Suntrust Bank. My bank is located right next to small woods and I always catch the interesting insects. picture shows what looks like a praying mantis but he is a male; females are green in color. He is brown all over, resembles just like a stick. Usually 50mm to 65mm, and can be several colors of red, green, brown, yellow and white. Besides that it looks like a stick, it's in a praying position.


However you can find them in grass, forests, gardens and other green areas.


submitted by Kristi Aljinovich Bio 102-Angela Jamison

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Edited by PN Ranger to comply with FAQs & Terms

Please split these into two separate spottings. As per our FAQs we only allow one species per spotting. You can use the "edit this spotting" link to remove pictures and edit text, then you will need to upload the second picture as a new spotting.

Spotted by a stud ent at TNCC

Virginia, USA

Spotted on Aug 29, 2014
Submitted on Aug 31, 2014

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