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Giant Hogweed (Dried)

Heracleum mantegazzianum


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shebebusynow 13 years ago

Do you have cow parsnip there? This could be the seed head to that; they get real tall.

CourtneyVerk 13 years ago

*couldn't smell either dill or fennel...

CourtneyVerk 13 years ago

These were growing alongside of a gravel trail. I could smell either dill or fennel. Each was an independent stalk and they were around shoulder height. I stand 5'8 tall.

shebebusynow 13 years ago

Was it growing along a roadway or railroad right of way? Chances are, then, that it is fennel. It tends to spread & naturalize that way. Fennel will also have a thick base with many stalks, where dill usually has a single stalk. The smell gives it away, though.

Christiane 13 years ago

Dill or fennel or caraway seed

Ava T-B
Ava T-B 13 years ago

Could this be dill?

Spotted by

Ontario, Canada

Spotted on Oct 13, 2011
Submitted on Oct 13, 2011

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