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Blue Sea Star

Linckia laevigata


A bright blue sea star that greeted us on our first descent at Ligpo. Regenerating an arm...

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Eric Noora
Eric Noora 12 years ago

Thanks Cindy :-)

CindyBinghamKeiser 12 years ago

Gorgeous color! Great spotting.

Eric Noora
Eric Noora 12 years ago

Thanks for the invite K.c.Truax. Have joined and will add to the mission. Cheers :-)

K.c.Truax 12 years ago

Nice colours Eric!
I invite you to mi mission, im trying to recollect as many pics of sea stars as possible, i started it beacasue when i was little I thought i'd had to travel to space for watching stars ,but here on our planet we have plenty! :)

Eric Noora
Eric Noora 12 years ago

You're welcome Palaimon. Have another spotting but not as bright blue as this one. Will post later :-)

Eric Noora
Eric Noora 12 years ago

Yes it did Marta. First thing I noticed during the descent :-)

Palaimon 12 years ago

A blue sea star??? I never see a sea blue sea star before!

Thanks for showing me something new!!

The MnMs
The MnMs 12 years ago

It makes such a beautiful contrast with the sand!

Eric Noora
Spotted by
Eric Noora


Spotted on Oct 16, 2011
Submitted on Oct 28, 2011

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