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Caracolilla / Winkle

Littorina sp


Caracoles marinos


Rocas playa PN Manuel Antonio. Costa Rica

1 Species ID Suggestions

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Isabela 5 years ago

Hema, thank you so much for ID. We'll continue searching for the species.

Isabela 5 years ago

Could you please help me with ID?

Hema  Shah
Hema Shah 6 years ago
I saw these 2 in a cave behind the rock shown in the above pic.The tide was rising so taking pictures was out of question.It was neat to see their lair.

Hema  Shah
Hema Shah 6 years ago

Sure ,i will ,Isabella.It could take upto a month.Will update you ASAP!

Isabela 6 years ago

Hema, let me know when you upload your pictures, I'd love to see what you saw.

Isabela 6 years ago

What a coincidence! I didn't see the quetzal either. It was difficult to take photos of birds in the rainforest. But I did love Costa Rica, I felt immerse in nature.

Hema  Shah
Hema Shah 6 years ago

Yup ;I was here and unfortunately my computer has crashed.I have to wait to upload my pics.I loved Costa Rica.Only regret is that did not see the quertzel in Monte Verde.I saw the motmots but I could not get a pic!

Spotted by

Provincia Puntarenas, Costa Rica

Spotted on Apr 21, 2018
Submitted on Apr 21, 2018

Spotted for Mission

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