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Cryptoprocta ferox


The fossa is the largest carnivore in Madagascar and superficially resembles an elongate cat in appearance. The tail is almost as long as the slender, muscular body, and the fossa's coat is short and reddish-brown in colour. The head is fairly small, with a short muzzle and prominent ears. Unlike other members of the Viverridae family, the fossa walks on the soles of its feet; a method of locomotion known as 'plantigrade'. The short, retractable claws also enable efficient tree climbing. One of the more unique peculiarities of the fossa is the fact that adolescent females go through a 'masculinisation' phase during their development; the clitoris becomes enlarged and covered in spines thus resembling the male penis, and there is an orange secretion on their underbelly which is usually only seen in mature males. Listed as vulnerable on the IUCN Redlist


Malagasy forests up to 2000metres above sea level


I was incredibly lucky to seen not one, but three fossas in the forests of Mantadia one female and two males. One of the males was actually mating with the female with the second male hiding a little distance away Video of them up in the trees

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Apple 12 years ago

Thanks so much for video! I love's great to see them on video.

iamcherreymaiya 12 years ago

the lemur hunter!

Stian Waaler
Stian Waaler 12 years ago


JuriTeuling 12 years ago

Great spot!

آلاءالخطيب 12 years ago

I just Love it... =)

Spotted by

Moramanga, Province de Tamatave, Madagascar

Spotted on Oct 12, 2011
Submitted on Nov 23, 2011

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