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Water Moccasin, Florida cottonmouth

Agkistrodon piscivorus conanti


A very interesting rattle snake, in that it has no rattles.

1 Species ID Suggestions

Aaron_G 12 years ago
Florida cottonmouth
Agkistrodon piscivorus conanti EOL: Agkistrodon piscivorus conanti

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Scott Frazier
Scott Frazier 11 years ago

Added common and scientific names.

Scott Frazier
Scott Frazier 12 years ago

Please change the name on your spotting as per your comment. Many thanks!

NicholeSauve 12 years ago

Beautiful Moccasin! : ) You should add it to the mission Snakes of the World

ebsharrett1950 12 years ago

Thanks for recognizing my mistake. Yes this is a juvenile water moccasin. My appologies.

MartinL 12 years ago

Fascinating detail. Thanks for your information and superb pic.

Atul 12 years ago

Super Spotting!!

ebsharrett1950 12 years ago

This would be an adult, a large one, at appx. 18 inches. They shake teir tails like regular rattle snakes but it makes no sound.

MartinL 12 years ago

If I understand these properly, rattles grow larger with each shedding, the tip of the tail retains the end of each old skin. They start with nothing.

Spotted by

Naples, Florida, USA

Spotted on Jan 3, 2012
Submitted on Jan 4, 2012

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