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Chromodoris willani
A powder-blue dorid nudibranch with white margins around its mantle and foot. It has dark blue longitudinal lines wrapped in a fluorescent blue; the lines are sometimes broken and do not connect at the head or behind the gills. The translucent gills and rhinophores are speckled with tiny white dots, looking like frosting. Also known as Toothpase Nudibranch. They feed on hydroids, coral, sponges and anemones, and grow to about 3cm in length.
Found singly or in pairs on coral and rocky reefs in sand and rubble areas, at depths of 2 to 30m. Widespread in the Western Pacific region.
Spotted this brightly attractive nudibranch at a depth of 30m, at a dive site called Bing's Corner, off the western coast of Malipano Islet, Samal, Philippines.
It is indeed! Spent close to 15mins with it underwater. :)