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Bohemian Waxwing

Bombycilla garrulus

1 Species ID Suggestions

Liam 12 years ago
Bohemian Waxwing
Bombycilla garrulus Bohemian Waxwing

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Liam 12 years ago

Bohemians are common winter residents where you are. I believe they're more populated than Cedars in winter. Also note the plump proportions, duller color and amount of black in the face.

LauraMaria 12 years ago

Whoops, didn't see Liam's suggestion before I commented! Could also be a Bohemian waxwing, they have that greyish bottom actually and found in Ottawa area too, so a good bet.

LauraMaria 12 years ago

Jesse, you live really close to where I used to live in ON, I lived in Nepean! These look like waxwings, and the kinds you find in ON are cedar waxwings :) Awesome spotting!!

DavidMroczkowski 12 years ago

I agree with Liam.

Spotted by

Spotted on Feb 6, 2012
Submitted on Feb 6, 2012

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