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Trailing Iceplant

Delosperma cooperi


a dwarf perennial plant, native to South Africa. It forms a dense lawn with abundant, long-lasting flowering. It will reach sizes of approximately 10-15 cm tall, with fleshy leaves and a trailing stem that hangs down. The flowers are the most brilliant aspect of this plant, with the production of a great quantity of vermillion, magenta or pink flowers that will often cover the entire site, hence the popular name "pink carpet". The plant contains ramified stems that are spread out, carrying sheets opposed, and are long and narrow, with the end of the stems increasing into a quantity of isolated small flowers, with diameters ranging from 3 to 5 cm. These abundant and long-lasting flowers will remain in bloom from July through September. (wiki)


The plant is sun-loving, and thrives well in very dry and hot environments. While it adapts well to various soil types, it will suffer under water stagnation, and thus prefers well drained soils, or even rocky terrain. (wiki)


Spotted growing in my mother's garden :-)

1 Species ID Suggestions

ceherzog 12 years ago
Trailing Iceplant
Delosperma cooperi Delosperma cooperi

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1 Comment

Bernadette S
Bernadette S 12 years ago

Awesome - love that name! Thanks, ceherzog, for the ID!

Bernadette S
Spotted by
Bernadette S

Umbertide, Umbria, Italy

Spotted on Jul 3, 2011
Submitted on Feb 12, 2012

Spotted for Mission

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