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Long and a lot of legs


In the woods

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Scott Frazier
Scott Frazier 9 years ago

You're welcome Groundwork - VA

Groundwork - VA
Groundwork - VA 9 years ago

Thanks Scott! Went back to my Entomology book and YES - good to get this straightened out - not just for me but as a lesson on the importance of correct identification. I would urge curious readers to take a good look at the structure of the phylum Arthropoda (segmented bodies) which range from (as you point out) some of the Subphylums - including Atelocerata (which includes the Millipedes, Centipedes, Crustacea (Shrimp, crabs, crayfish); and well as the Class: Arachinida (spiders, scorpions, mites & ticks and on an on. Interesting stuff - some may wish to check it out! (Entomology was one of my hands-down favorite classes - and we ALL have to deal with these guys our whole lives!) So, here's a link for starters:

Scott Frazier
Scott Frazier 9 years ago

Well it is related to insects but with more than six legs, this is not really an insect. However both insects and millipedes are Arthropods. I moved your spotting to that category for you. :-)

Groundwork - VA
Groundwork - VA 9 years ago

Congratulations! This is an interesting insect - somewhat related to the centipede - but obviously, more substantial. I've given you the link to Wikipedia, also recommend googling for the subject and looking at various 'Images'. Good luck and enjoy! Hey, these guys have a job to do!!

Spotted by

Hamlet, North Carolina, USA

Spotted on Oct 20, 2014
Submitted on Oct 21, 2014

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