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Suenson's brittle star

Ophiothrix suensoni


This sea star has a small central disc which is clearly demarcated from the five long thin arms. The arms can be up to 12 cm long and the disc 2 cm in diameter. The aboral surface of the disc is covered with scales which are ornamented with long spines. The arms are cylindrical in cross section and the surface of the lateral scales bear long, sharp, transparent spines. There is a purple, deep red or black stripe running the length of the aboral surface of each arm. The colour of this brittle star is variable, being pale mauve, pink, yellow or red, and often the arms are a different hue from the disc.


Seen during a night dive in Bari Reef, Bonaire. Located in the coral drop off at 25-30 m.

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DanielePralong 6 years ago

Thanks Marta!

The MnMs
The MnMs 6 years ago

Hi, thanks for the nice comments.
@Daniele: I think is Aplysina cauliformis, Row Pore Rope Sponge branches (or similar sp.).Shown here:

Christine Y.
Christine Y. 6 years ago

This is so beautiful!

DanielePralong 6 years ago

Absolutely stunning! What is it wrapped around?

The MnMs
Spotted by
The MnMs

Bonaire, Caribisch Nederland, Netherlands

Spotted on Sep 13, 2017
Submitted on Jan 4, 2018

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