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Amy Welte

Amy Welte

Belmont, California

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ThomasCaelifera mpshope
Amy Welte American Bison
American Bison suggestion by Amy Welte Virginia, USA8 years ago

Common name: American Bison
Scientific name: Bison bison

Amy Welte Great Spangled Frittilary
Great Spangled Frittilary suggestion by Amy Welte Connecticut, USA8 years ago

Common name: Great Spangled Frittilary
Scientific name: Speyeria cybele

Amy Welte Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting suggestion by Amy Welte Durham, North Carolina, USA8 years ago

Common name: Canada Goose
Scientific name: Branta canadensis

Amy Welte Squirrel Tree Frog
Squirrel Tree Frog suggestion by Amy Welte Durham, North Carolina, USA8 years ago

Common name: Squirrel Tree Frog
Scientific name: Hyla squirella

Amy Welte North American Millipede
North American Millipede suggestion by Amy Welte Tennessee, USA8 years ago

Common name: North American Millipede
Scientific name: Apheloria virginiensis

Amy Welte Purple-stained Daggerwing Butterfly
Purple-stained Daggerwing Butterfly suggestion by Amy Welte Cartago, Costa Rica8 years ago

Common name: Iole's Daggerwing
Scientific name: Marpesia iole

Amy Welte Curve-Toothed Geometer Moth
Curve-Toothed Geometer Moth suggestion by Amy Welte White Haven, Pennsylvania, USA8 years ago

Common name: Curve-Toothed Geometer Moth
Scientific name: Eutrapela clemataria

Amy Welte Tarantula
Tarantula suggestion by Amy Welte California, USA8 years ago

Common name: Tarantula
Scientific name: Aphonopelma spp.

Amy Welte Fir Tussock Moth
Fir Tussock Moth suggestion by Amy Welte Texas, USA8 years ago

Common name: Tussock Moth
Scientific name: Lymantriinae sp

Amy Welte Rock wren
Rock wren suggestion by Amy Welte Washington, USA8 years ago

Common name: Rock Wren
Scientific name: Salpinctes obsoletus

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