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Entomology and mycology enthusiast. Love hiking, trekking, camping - and taking photos! Ph.D student in microbial genetics

Brisbane, Queensland

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Shari_Wildlife DanielePralong StevenSpragg Christiane
rutasandinas brainpunk maplemoth662 LarsKorb
Asterope Firefly
Firefly commented on by Asterope Brisbane, Queensland, Australia11 years ago

Thanks Daniele, I'll check it out :)

Asterope Firefly
Firefly commented on by Asterope Brisbane, Queensland, Australia11 years ago

Hi Ava T-B - yes these were done with long exposures. I am going to try a 15 minute or half hour one next and see what happens :)

Asterope Strong stick insect
Strong stick insect commented on by Asterope Brisbane, Queensland, Australia11 years ago

Thank you martinl :) So many different kinds, its hard to know which one is which!

Asterope Ceratiomyxa fruticulosa
Ceratiomyxa fruticulosa commented on by Asterope Victoria, Australia11 years ago

Love love love slime molds! these are definitely no exception - so pretty!

Asterope Red Ironbark (regen)
Red Ironbark (regen) commented on by Asterope 3711, Victoria, Australia11 years ago

Something about the australian bush looks so delicate yet so rampant after a bushfire. The ability of so many plants endemic to this continent to just spring back, even lusher than before, after a fire is amazing. The colours in these photos are so evocative too!

Asterope Ascocoryne sarcoides
Ascocoryne sarcoides commented on by Asterope Victoria, Australia11 years ago

So beautiful and delicate

Asterope Aleurina ferruginea
Aleurina ferruginea commented on by Asterope 3158, Victoria, Australia11 years ago

We have these growing out of the horse poop in our vege garden after it rains... hundreds of them!!

Asterope Boletus aff. satanas
Boletus aff. satanas commented on by Asterope Victoria, Australia11 years ago

Nice!! I came across one of these growing under a eucalypt in open dry schlerophyl forest in Brisbane, and my jaw dropped... I did not think we had these here - I thought they were a northern hemisphere sort of thing :)

Are they common in Vic?

Asterope Nobbi Dragon
Nobbi Dragon commented on by Asterope 4671, Queensland, Australia11 years ago

Looks like a Nobbi dragon to me - quite common in suburban gardens. I have seen them go to very athletic lengths to get to pet food/insects buzzing around pet food. Gorgeous little lizards :)

Asterope Wood Ear
Wood Ear commented on by Asterope High Peak, England, United Kingdom12 years ago

I love these mushrooms - tasty and weird!
I think that article you read was bogus... they are great in stir fries! the texture goes great with all the crunchy veges :)

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