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BenjaminKabel American Toad
American Toad commented on by BenjaminKabel Michigan, USA10 years ago

Although I do admit I was mostly going by memory of this photograph, I would disagree with you. This animal is not nearly large enough to be a green frog, and looks to me like it lacks the visual characteristics of either a green frog or a leopard frog (namely an elongated, pointed rostrum and to a lesser extent, body posture).

Another point, of which you had no means of knowing, is that I would commonly find American Toads on my porch (which is where this photo was taken) and only once in the five years I lived there did I find any frog on my porch by its own choice.

Lastly, if I had more/better pictures of this organism, I would have included them.

BenjaminKabel Freshwater bivalve
Freshwater bivalve commented on by BenjaminKabel Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA10 years ago

Thanks, EmilyMarino, for bringing this to my attention. This most certainly does not belong in Osteology (a fascinating science, by the way). I'm not sure which of my missions I had been trying to put this into, but it wasn't that. I'll go ahead and blame my finger width:cell phone screen ratio for the mobile app.

It's also not the first time I've put something that doesn't belong in this mission (again by accident, and that time a fully living and very healthy common snapping turtle).

BenjaminKabel Black rat snake (juvenile)
Black rat snake (juvenile) commented on by BenjaminKabel Missouri, USA10 years ago

Probably a black rat snake, but with no real way to be certain. Pantherophis sp. would be your best bet.

BenjaminKabel western diamondback rattlesnake
western diamondback rattlesnake commented on by BenjaminKabel Sioux Falls, South Dakota, USA10 years ago

That really looks like a Western Diamondback (Crotalus atrox), but its geographic location is all wrong.

BenjaminKabel Cicada Coming Out Of Its Shell
Cicada Coming Out Of Its Shell commented on by BenjaminKabel Iowa, USA10 years ago

Lucky indeed!

BenjaminKabel Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting commented on by BenjaminKabel Texas, USA10 years ago

Holy Crap! That thing is massive!

BenjaminKabel Osage Orange
Osage Orange commented on by BenjaminKabel Branchburg Township, New Jersey, USA10 years ago

Great for taking care of pest problems!

BenjaminKabel Green June beetle or June Bug
Green June beetle or June Bug commented on by BenjaminKabel Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA10 years ago

Me neither. Thanks, by the way.

BenjaminKabel Green June beetle or June Bug
Green June beetle or June Bug commented on by BenjaminKabel Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA10 years ago

'alleviate' is the correct spelling. In my haste to post my comment and so not offend a Project Noah Ranger, I failed to follow through on my spell checking.

BenjaminKabel Green June beetle or June Bug
Green June beetle or June Bug commented on by BenjaminKabel Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA10 years ago

I provided a common name for the organism. It is not my fault that the common name uses terminology in an incorrect fashion. However, to alieviate your concerns, I have provided an alternative common name which accurately reflects this organisms appropriate taxonomy.

I do hope you're happy, Mr. Picky.

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