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CarlyRobillard Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting commented on by CarlyRobillard Perth, Western Australia, Australia9 years ago

N'awww, gyecko! Too bad the photo's a bit blurry and I'm not knowledgeable in AUS species.
Also remember that although this guy's a reptile and probably fine, make sure to be much more gentle if you find cool amphibians (like salamanders). They tend to absorb unhealthy stuff from your skin if you handle them too much.

CarlyRobillard Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting commented on by CarlyRobillard South Carolina, USA9 years ago

A helpful first step is to see if there's a sign on the cage that tells you the name of the species ad where it came from. After all, if it's on display in a zoo like this it may have come from somewhere completely different than where you spotted it, and knowing where it lives is helpful for identifying it.
Also I think you're supposed to label photos taken of zoo animals as "captive" to avoid confusion.

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