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I´m a biologist interested to share what I see (well, at least when I have my camera around), mostly the wildlife around us!


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CatarinaFerreira Common Sundew
Common Sundew commented on by CatarinaFerreira Norte, Portugal8 years ago

Nice pic!
I am fascinated about carnivorous plants in Portugal, unfortunately some are already extinct. If you want to know more:

CatarinaFerreira Spiny Starfish
Spiny Starfish commented on by CatarinaFerreira Centro, Portugal8 years ago

Thanks for your help, Jellis!!

CatarinaFerreira Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting commented on by CatarinaFerreira Braga, Portugal8 years ago

Nice pic!
In my opinion it looks like a reproductive ant (male or a queen), which are the only ones possessing wings to mate. See more at:

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