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Jonios-AdamGetty celine


CherylMacaulay Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting commented on by CherylMacaulay Western Australia, Australia13 years ago

Thank you for the answer.

CherylMacaulay Giraffe necked weevil
Giraffe necked weevil commented on by CherylMacaulay Madagascar13 years ago

Fantastic photo congradulations on being recognized by National Geographic.

CherylMacaulay Baby Sloth
Baby Sloth commented on by CherylMacaulay Amazonas, Brazil13 years ago

Wonderful so cute

CherylMacaulay Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting commented on by CherylMacaulay Lat: -34.66 Lon: 116.4013 years ago

Thanks, I would never eat anything like this I find in the bush,

CherylMacaulay Red tail Cokatoo
Red tail Cokatoo commented on by CherylMacaulay Western Australia, Australia13 years ago

Thank you, the red cocatoos would be my fav and they are so friendly, easy to photgraph.

CherylMacaulay Unnamed spotting
Unnamed spotting commented on by CherylMacaulay Western Australia, Australia13 years ago

What a beautiful gecko. So fragile

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