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DeshraDine Domestic Cat
Domestic Cat commented on by DeshraDine Baxter Springs, Kansas, USA11 years ago

I thought so, what would cause her head to be such a unique shape? She seems to move almost like she is in constant pain as well, she's a very delicate cat, her eyes also seem to bulge out a bit.

DeshraDine Domestic Cat
Domestic Cat commented on by DeshraDine Baxter Springs, Kansas, USA11 years ago

Thanks for moving it; however I am not looking for the scientific name for cats, I already know it. I am looking for info on her breed

DeshraDine Wooly elm aphid, wooly apple aphid
Wooly elm aphid, wooly apple aphid commented on by DeshraDine Oklahoma, USA12 years ago

Just found out from wooly elm aphids. We sanitized the tree they were devastating it.

DeshraDine Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting commented on by DeshraDine Pittsburg, Kansas12 years ago

It's a praying mantis

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