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Wildlife photographer, lecturer and eco-traveler. Born and live in Indonesia, a beautiful country.


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bayucca Mark Ridgway Ava T-B Sergio Monteiro
maplemoth662 IrinaSh thebiologista CindyBinghamKeiser
Fabiola.Natasha Cosmopterix moth
Cosmopterix moth suggestion by Fabiola.Natasha Banten, Indonesia9 years ago

Common name: Cosmopterix Moth
Scientific name: Cosmopterigidae

Fabiola.Natasha Gram Blue
Gram Blue suggestion by Fabiola.Natasha Dahanu, Maharashtra, India10 years ago

Common name: Gram Blue
Scientific name: Euchrysops cnejus

Fabiola.Natasha Grass Skipper
Grass Skipper suggestion by Fabiola.Natasha Kerala, India10 years ago

Common name: Grass Skipper
Scientific name: family Hesperiidae
Wikipedia: Grass Skippers

Fabiola.Natasha Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting suggestion by Fabiola.Natasha Jawa Barat, Indonesia10 years ago

Common name: Tiger Moth
Scientific name: Amata huebneri

Fabiola.Natasha [GS] Tiger Moth
[GS] Tiger Moth suggestion by Fabiola.Natasha Sumatera Barat, Indonesia10 years ago

Common name: Amata Huebneri Moth
Scientific name: Arctiidae
Wikipedia: Amata huebneri

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