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Groundwork - VA

Groundwork - VA

Natural science junkie.

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Groundwork - VA Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting commented on by Groundwork - VA Utah, USA11 years ago

Luis - this appears to be in the ballpark of a Linaria (Scrophularia family) - but not sure of genus. Similar to vulgaris - which is considered to be invasive (although lovely). So, if you manage to get seed, be cautious in placement! I have it and enjoy it - even if I have to weed it sometimes! Thanks!

Groundwork - VA Zion Indian Paintbrush
Zion Indian Paintbrush commented on by Groundwork - VA Utah, USA11 years ago

Wonderful photo Luis. Take a look at this photo at . It was taken at Zion - making it a likely suspect! Another possible is C. chromosa – with a similar congested habit of growth and height. Thanks!!

Groundwork - VA Rafflesia
Rafflesia commented on by Groundwork - VA Sabah, Malaysia11 years ago

One of the interesting things about this genus is that while the 'plants' are parasitic (having no chlorophyll) - they attract their pollinators by way exuding a foul smell of rotting meat. Thus, flies and other carrion feeders visit these guys in hopes of finding a meal. Probably a really good example of co-evolution! They aren't even visible until the buds are forming or blooming. This genus also comprises the largest blooms to be found; Raffelesia arnoldii has the largest bloom of the genus at 1m (~3 ft.) wide!
Impt. Lesson – photos such as this are the perfect way to ‘share and tell’ as these are seriously endangered due to widespread habitat destruction within much of the rainforested area of Southeast Asia and the fact that Rafflesia buds are also collected for traditional medicine, to treat fertility problems, in parts of their range.
Thank you ShaumingLo!!

Groundwork - VA Red-headed Woodpecker
Red-headed Woodpecker commented on by Groundwork - VA Corsicana, Texas, USA11 years ago

Wow - this is a very nice catch. I had (mistakenly) thought this species had gone extinct - but that was the Ivory-billed woodpecker. We have 5 spp. showing up ongrounds here in NoVa. I wish this were one of them!

Groundwork - VA great egret
great egret commented on by Groundwork - VA Texas, USA11 years ago

Wow! This is a showstopper - or should be in a book... And half the treat is the information you have provided so that more of us know the details. Thanks so much.

Groundwork - VA Rock toad
Rock toad commented on by Groundwork - VA Daerah Khusus Ibu Kota Jakarta, Indonesia11 years ago

Lovely photo!

Groundwork - VA Azalea
Azalea commented on by Groundwork - VA Dale City, Virginia, USA11 years ago

Lovely Azalea! One good way to ID the (probably) cultivar is to take a walk around some of the nurseries. We're in full bloom time (I'm in NoVa, too) so you may be able to snag a name for this. Good Luck!

sshodapp Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting commented on by sshodapp Sacramento, California, USA11 years ago

Wong - perhaps seizing the moment (before the butterfly got away?). Sometimes these guys are pretty skittish!

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