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Juan Carlos Rios

Juan Carlos Rios


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bayucca Tiz Roberto Romo sandyespinosaf
MayraSpringmann EstebanJaramillo55 sandyespinosaf MUSE
Juan Carlos Rios Green Iguana
Green Iguana commented on by Juan Carlos Rios Antioquia, Colombia10 years ago

Leonardo, Gracias por la ayuda con ID

Juan Carlos Rios Green Iguana
Green Iguana commented on by Juan Carlos Rios Antioquia, Colombia10 years ago

Stian Thanks for the ID help

Juan Carlos Rios Social Flycatcher
Social Flycatcher commented on by Juan Carlos Rios Antioquia, Colombia10 years ago

Mark Thank you for the ID help.

Juan Carlos Rios Egretta alba
Egretta alba commented on by Juan Carlos Rios Antioquia, Colombia10 years ago

Thanks AustinC

Juan Carlos Rios Tiger Moth
Tiger Moth commented on by Juan Carlos Rios Pichincha, Ecuador10 years ago

Bayucca thanks for the ID help very much Appreciated

Juan Carlos Rios Red Collared Sparrow
Red Collared Sparrow commented on by Juan Carlos Rios San Antonio, Provincia de Pichincha, Ecuador10 years ago

thanks for the Invite. I will add it

Juan Carlos Rios Sword-billed Hummingbird
Sword-billed Hummingbird commented on by Juan Carlos Rios Pichincha, Ecuador10 years ago

what is really funny, is to see them perched, they must balance their heads up, other wise they would fall down.

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