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KariMcWest Escorpión del Desierto (Giant Hairy Scorpion)
Escorpión del Desierto (Giant Hairy Scorpion) commented on by KariMcWest Sonora, Mexico11 years ago

Nice photograph! But this is definitely not Hadrurus arizonensis, nor any other Hadrurus. It is hard to say for sure, but this looks like either a Paruroctonus sp., related to Paruroctonus silvestrii, or a Vaejovis sp. related to Vaejovis bruneus. Your locality says Sonora, but the map shows Baja California Norte. Where was this spotted? And if I could enlarge the photo, I could probably identify it. =)

KariMcWest California Common Scorpion
California Common Scorpion commented on by KariMcWest Los Angeles, California, USA11 years ago

As soon as I figure this thing out =)

KariMcWest California Common Scorpion
California Common Scorpion commented on by KariMcWest Los Angeles, California, USA11 years ago

check out one of the projects I'm involved in,, and I am also a native fish enthusiast.

KariMcWest California Common Scorpion
California Common Scorpion commented on by KariMcWest Los Angeles, California, USA11 years ago

Hi, Jellis, Terri is a friend of mine, and I stumbled onto ProjectNoah because she replied to one of her friends' facebook post about this scorpion, with a link to here provided. I wanted to add my comments, so I joined, and it seems to be a really cool project! I have been a contributing editor/member to for over 10 years, too. I try to ensure all of the scorpions on that site are correct. I have published a few scorpion research papers and am working several more. As with anyone, I still have tons to learn! Even though I've been active in scorpion systematics for over 30 years =)

KariMcWest California Common Scorpion
California Common Scorpion commented on by KariMcWest Los Angeles, California, USA11 years ago


KariMcWest California Common Scorpion
California Common Scorpion commented on by KariMcWest Los Angeles, California, USA11 years ago

I am an expert, look me up ;0)

KariMcWest California Common Scorpion
California Common Scorpion commented on by KariMcWest Los Angeles, California, USA11 years ago

This one is definitely Paruroctonus silvestrii. Serradigitus gertschi has long, slender fingers that terminate in an enlarged clawlike denticle, and are quite small, only to about 20-25mm. Buthus occitanus is in the Mediterranean region in Europe and North Africa. Centruroides sculpturatus, the Arizona bark scorpion, does not occur in that part of Califfornia, it too has long, slender hands and fingers. =)

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