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ElaineWebb Maria dB
The MnMs dferris maplemoth662 James McNair
KrisWebb Australian Wood Duck
Australian Wood Duck commented on by KrisWebb Winston-Salem, North Carolina, USA8 years ago

It was taken at a bird park

KrisWebb Paradise Shelduck (Male)
Paradise Shelduck (Male) commented on by KrisWebb North Carolina, USA9 years ago

If memory serves, the sanctuary where I found this bird was located in the section where African birds are kept.

KrisWebb Song Sparrow
Song Sparrow commented on by KrisWebb Winston-Salem, North Carolina, USA9 years ago

Is this a song sparrow?

KrisWebb Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting commented on by KrisWebb Scotland Neck, North Carolina, USA10 years ago

I think you may be right. There are Maccoa ducks there. Thank you!

KrisWebb Freckled Duck (Female)
Freckled Duck (Female) commented on by KrisWebb Scotland Neck, North Carolina, USA10 years ago

Thank you very much for the information!

KrisWebb Freckled Duck (Female)
Freckled Duck (Female) commented on by KrisWebb Scotland Neck, North Carolina, USA10 years ago

At first I thought this was a freckled duck, but the blue bill has me somewhat confused.

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