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A Graphic Designer, wannabe Photographer. I love animals and nature and the magic of cameras.


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ceherzog alicelongmartin Atul auntnance123
ceejayalyssa The MnMs jamiewgoodspeed Giovani
LaurieWinters eastern fox squirrel
eastern fox squirrel commented on by LaurieWinters St. Petersburg, Florida, USA11 years ago

It actually is plastic but you may be right about the teething thing.

LaurieWinters eastern fox squirrel
eastern fox squirrel commented on by LaurieWinters St. Petersburg, Florida, USA11 years ago

It was such a shame when that lid came falling to the grown. He was adorable and so determined to drag the lid through the branches to get it to the top. He deserved to have that lid. :(

LaurieWinters Eastern Gray Squirrel
Eastern Gray Squirrel commented on by LaurieWinters St. Petersburg, Florida, USA11 years ago

Thanks, Smith Zoo!

LaurieWinters Red-bellied Woodpecker
Red-bellied Woodpecker commented on by LaurieWinters St. Petersburg, Florida, USA11 years ago

Thanks, Gerardo!!

LaurieWinters House Mouse
House Mouse commented on by LaurieWinters St. Petersburg, Florida, USA11 years ago

It really was cute and let me get so close to it.

LaurieWinters Mourning Dove
Mourning Dove commented on by LaurieWinters St. Petersburg, Florida, USA11 years ago

Thank you Carol and gatorfellows!

LaurieWinters Mourning Dove
Mourning Dove commented on by LaurieWinters St. Petersburg, Florida, USA11 years ago

Thanks very much, YuKoChartraw.

LaurieWinters Spiny Back Orb Weaver
Spiny Back Orb Weaver commented on by LaurieWinters St. Petersburg, Florida, USA11 years ago

Thanks very much, injica!!

LaurieWinters Northern Cardinal
Northern Cardinal commented on by LaurieWinters St. Petersburg, Florida, USA11 years ago

Thanks for commenting, Hemma. This male cardinal is beautiful!

LaurieWinters Northern Cardinal
Northern Cardinal commented on by LaurieWinters St. Petersburg, Florida, USA11 years ago

Thanks KrantiAzad !

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