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ColinshereenPotts Filipe Pereira ShannaB
Filipe Pereira
Lily Barth Domestic Dog
Domestic Dog suggestion by Lily Barth Del Mar, California, USA12 years ago

Common name: Rough collie?

Lily Barth Bull terrier
Bull terrier suggestion by Lily Barth Del Mar, California, USA12 years ago

Common name: Bull terrier

Lily Barth Bull terrier
Bull terrier suggestion by Lily Barth Del Mar, California, USA12 years ago

Common name: Pitbull

Lily Barth a boxer dog
a boxer dog suggestion by Lily Barth New York City, New York, USA12 years ago

Common name: Boxer
Scientific name: Canis lupus familiaris

Lily Barth a boxer dog
a boxer dog suggestion by Lily Barth New York City, New York, USA12 years ago

Common name: Boxer?

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