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New Plymouth, Ohio

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BugEric DianePlatcoBrooks jeslowery Max Brodie
Lyndihrdmn Cilantro
Cilantro commented on by Lyndihrdmn Ohio, USA12 years ago

I bought the 20¢ pack of seeds at my local walmart, filled a plastic bucket with dirt from the yard, sprinkled the seeds in, lightly covered with dirt, & watered daily...this is 3 weeks from planting

Lyndihrdmn Oriental poppy
Oriental poppy commented on by Lyndihrdmn Ohio, USA12 years ago

Thank you I have been looking for an exact id

Lyndihrdmn Lilac
Lilac commented on by Lyndihrdmn Ohio, USA12 years ago

I saw a bunch of these growing wild today and wondered what they were

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