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Mother, daughter, wife and friend to all animal lovers.

Pike Creek, DE

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Liam ReeceJones Ava T-B rutasandinas
VSteven JC_Forester ConorSheaWing Ali Hemati Pour
MarybethRees Bubo scandiacus
Bubo scandiacus commented on by MarybethRees New Castle, Delaware, USA10 years ago

Hi Christy thanks!! I have plenty more pics of the 3 I watched this weekend so I can add some later and add it to the mission because I think I am already have the raptors as one of my missions becuase they are my most fav :) I hope you see some too they are breathtaking!

MarybethRees Pacific Baza
Pacific Baza commented on by MarybethRees 4720, Queensland, Australia11 years ago

Hawks are my favorite! Beautiful picture!!

MarybethRees Brown Thrasher
Brown Thrasher commented on by MarybethRees Delaware, USA11 years ago

It's true Hemma, they are so very pretty with the rusty streaks. Thanks Alice!

MarybethRees Carolina wren
Carolina wren commented on by MarybethRees Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA11 years ago

Awesome!! Love those little wrens!!

MarybethRees Great Egret
Great Egret commented on by MarybethRees Port Arthur, Texas, USA11 years ago


MarybethRees Red-breasted Nuthatch
Red-breasted Nuthatch commented on by MarybethRees Delaware, USA11 years ago

thanks!! I love these little birds, they are not very skiddish and just sit there while I'm filling the feeders or replacing the adorable!

MarybethRees Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker commented on by MarybethRees Highland Park, New Jersey, USA11 years ago

I was lucky enough to get a couple who hung around my back yard for a day or two and got some good shots. This pic is beautiful!

MarybethRees Eastern Chipmunk
Eastern Chipmunk commented on by MarybethRees Smicksburg, Pennsylvania, USA11 years ago

Oh how I miss the chipmunks we used to have when we spent our summers in the mountains. So adorable!!

MarybethRees Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker commented on by MarybethRees Highland Park, New Jersey, USA11 years ago

AWESOME shot and colors! Wow!!

MarybethRees Great Cormorant
Great Cormorant commented on by MarybethRees Highland Park, New Jersey, USA11 years ago


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