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Mike and Deb

Mike and Deb

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Mike and Deb Virginia bluebell
Virginia bluebell commented on by Mike and Deb Oregon, USA13 years ago

Looks like it has to be Virginia Bluebells - probably escaped from someone's garden out there, as it is native to eastern US. You can obtain plants or seeds from nurseries, catalogs, etc., however. They are a very hardy perennial so I guess I'm not too surprised to see that they've taken up residence out west. In fact, they are a woodland species, so I imagine they'd absolutely THRIVE in the rainforest region of the Northwest, as long as fungi leave them alone.
Also, it appears that the yellow flowers in the pic are Canada Lilies, also called Meadow Lilies. One cannot help but admire the beauty of these two very striking and gorgeous flowers.

Thank You,
Deb G. -
Uncasville, CT

Mike and Deb Dark throat shooting star
Dark throat shooting star commented on by Mike and Deb Oregon, USA13 years ago

Gordon is correct. To be more specific, it is a Dark-throat Shooting Star (Dodecatheon pulchellum). There is also a white variety of this flower named, what else, White Shooting Star (Dodecatheon dentatum), that is reputed to grow in the Northwestern US, Southwest Canada and into the Rocky Mountains. Your variety is a bit more hardy and thrives from northern Alaska all the way down the coast to the south of Mexico. Nice picture - I was able to identify the flower right away, but verified it with The Complete Illustrated Encyclopedia of Wild Flowers and Flora of the Americas by Martin Walters & Mick Lavelle.- c. 2007. Thank you for your efforts.

Deb G. - Uncasville, CT

Mike and Deb Yucca
Yucca commented on by Mike and Deb Florida, USA13 years ago

This appears to be a Yucca plant in full bloom. (Hope my info is helpful to you). Happy Flower Stalking!
Sincere Wildflower Nut,
Deb G. - Uncasville, CT

** Check out this indispensable guidebook to the plants & flowers in your region - (there's one for each part of the U.S.) ----->

Source: National Audobon Society Field Guide to Wildflowers - Eastern Region - copyright 2001 - Prof. William A. Niering & Nancy C. Olmstead, Research Associate. Revised by Prof. John W. Thieret

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