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Mitch L Barn Owl
Barn Owl commented on by Mitch L penna, USA9 years ago

I'm glad you like it. It was actually taken during a census of Barn Owl nests in Central Pennsylvania in 2009. This was the oldest of the fledglings at this particular nest, and is definitely a wild bird.

Mitch L Cedar Waxwing
Cedar Waxwing commented on by Mitch L Pennsylvania, USA12 years ago

Yes, both Cedar and Bohemian Waxwings have small clusters of red feathers on their wings, but because of the location of this photo (Northern Pennsylvania, USA) I strongly suspect it is a Cedar Waxwing.

Mitch L Prairie Warbler
Prairie Warbler commented on by Mitch L Howard township, Pennsylvania, USA12 years ago

Thank you, and yes, we were trying to catch another species of warbler, but these ones were more numerous.

Mitch L North American Porcupine
North American Porcupine commented on by Mitch L Pennsylvania, USA12 years ago

This one was climbing to get away from the noisy photographers! We were making our way through an old path and I didn't see him until he was 10m up the trunk. I didn't know they were such good climbers either!

Mitch L lobster claw
lobster claw commented on by Mitch L Coxen Hole, Honduras12 years ago

Thank you S Frazier!

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