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Science Librarian & Project Noah Ranger. Some expertise in herpetology, esp. turtles.

Brooklyn, NYC

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Atul Geodialist courtneyhitson Carolina
maplemoth662 JordiPrats elijahpeter141 Tristan Pragnell
NeilDazet Red-Eared Slider
Red-Eared Slider suggestion by NeilDazet Honolulu, Hawaii, USA10 years ago

Common name: Red-eared Slider
Scientific name: Trachemys scripta elegans
Wikipedia: Red-eared slider

NeilDazet Tortoise
Tortoise suggestion by NeilDazet Santo Antônio de Pádua, RJ, Brazil10 years ago

Common name: Red-footed tortoise
Scientific name: Chelonoidis carbonaria
Wikipedia: Red-footed tortoise

NeilDazet Mud Turtle
Mud Turtle suggestion by NeilDazet Sifundza seLubombo, Swaziland10 years ago

Common name: Mud Turtle
Scientific name: Pelusios sp.
Wikipedia: Pelusios

NeilDazet Painted Turtle
Painted Turtle suggestion by NeilDazet Monroe, Michigan, USA10 years ago

Common name: Painted Turtle
Scientific name: Chrysemys picta
Wikipedia: Painted turtle

NeilDazet Eastern Garter Snake
Eastern Garter Snake suggestion by NeilDazet Pennsylvania, USA10 years ago

Common name: Eastern Garter Snake
Scientific name: Thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis
Wikipedia: Common Garter Snake

NeilDazet Tortuga..
Tortuga.. suggestion by NeilDazet Guayaquil, Guayas, Ecuador10 years ago

Common name: Yellow-spotted river turtle
Scientific name: Podocnemis unifilis (or cayennensis)
Wikipedia: Yellow-spotted river turtle

NeilDazet Green Sea Turtle
Green Sea Turtle suggestion by NeilDazet Hawaii, USA10 years ago

Common name: Green Sea Turtle
Scientific name: Chelonia mydas
Wikipedia: Green sea turtle

NeilDazet Turtle
Turtle suggestion by NeilDazet Orlando, Florida10 years ago

Common name: Red-eared slider
Scientific name: Trachemys scripta elegans
Wikipedia: Red-eared slider

NeilDazet Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting suggestion by NeilDazet Georgia, USA10 years ago

Common name: Red-eared slider
Scientific name: Trachemys scripta elegans
Wikipedia: Red-eared slider

NeilDazet Dominican Slider
Dominican Slider suggestion by NeilDazet Higuey, Dominican Republic10 years ago

Common name: Dominican slider
Scientific name: Trachemys stejnegeri vicina
Wikipedia: Central Antillean slider

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