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Ramón Antaño Arias

Ramón Antaño Arias

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LuisStevens Billo-kun MUSE
MUSE LuisStevens LaurenZarate Billo-kun
Ramón Antaño Arias Arrowhead Plant
Arrowhead Plant commented on by Ramón Antaño Arias Guerrero, Mexico10 years ago

Thank you for identification, ceherzog.

Ramón Antaño Arias Arrowhead Plant
Arrowhead Plant commented on by Ramón Antaño Arias Guerrero, Mexico10 years ago

Thank you for identification, Ali Hemati Pour. I think is Syngonium sp due its caracteristic leaf. I will submit more pictures about this.

Ramón Antaño Arias Enredadera del mosquito, Brotal, parra madeira
Enredadera del mosquito, Brotal, parra madeira commented on by Ramón Antaño Arias Guerrero, Mexico10 years ago

Thank you for identification, Jason Alexander

Ramón Antaño Arias Monarch butterfly
Monarch butterfly commented on by Ramón Antaño Arias Guerrero, Mexico10 years ago

Thank you for identification BillSweeney

Ramón Antaño Arias Monarch butterfly
Monarch butterfly commented on by Ramón Antaño Arias Guerrero, Mexico10 years ago

Thank you for identification ChiefRedEarth

Ramón Antaño Arias Araña saltarina
Araña saltarina commented on by Ramón Antaño Arias Chilpancingo, Guerrero, Mexico11 years ago

Hola. Gracias por la bienvenida y las sugerencias.

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