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Reza Hashemizadeh

Reza Hashemizadeh

Visual Artist !

Los Angeles, California

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elena animaisfotos LanaSutton HenryTang
Giovani maplemoth662 Stephanie R. Rithmini Weerakkody
Reza Hashemizadeh Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting suggestion by Reza Hashemizadeh New York, USA8 years ago

Common name: Small Eastern Milkweed Bug
Scientific name: Lygaeus kalmii

Reza Hashemizadeh Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting suggestion by Reza Hashemizadeh Αθήνα, Αποκεντρωμένη Διοίκηση Αττικής, Greece8 years ago

Common name: Scarce Swallowtail
Scientific name: Iphiclides podalirius
Wikipedia: Scarce swallowtail

Reza Hashemizadeh Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting suggestion by Reza Hashemizadeh Campeche, Mexico8 years ago

Common name: Giant Leopard Moth
Scientific name: Hypercompe scribonia
Wikipedia: Giant leopard moth

Reza Hashemizadeh Acacia Longicorn Beetle (Leanne's Beetle)
Acacia Longicorn Beetle (Leanne's Beetle) suggestion by Reza Hashemizadeh QLD, Australia8 years ago

Common name: Acacia longicorn beetle
Scientific name: Penthea pardalis

Reza Hashemizadeh Giant Shield Bug Nymph
Giant Shield Bug Nymph suggestion by Reza Hashemizadeh Papua, Indonesia8 years ago

Common name: Giant Shield Bug Nymph
Scientific name: Lyramorpha sp

Reza Hashemizadeh Unnamed spotting
Unnamed spotting suggestion by Reza Hashemizadeh Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia8 years ago

Common name: Chocolate Chip Sea Star
Scientific name: Protoreaster nodosus
Wikipedia: Protoreaster nodosus

Reza Hashemizadeh Swallowtail Moth
Swallowtail Moth suggestion by Reza Hashemizadeh Indonesia8 years ago

Common name: Swallowtail Moth
Scientific name: Lyssa sp.
Wikipedia: Lyssa (genus)

Reza Hashemizadeh Horned Passalus
Horned Passalus suggestion by Reza Hashemizadeh Lat: 31.47 Lon: -89.398 years ago

Common name: Horned Passalus
Scientific name: Odontotaenius disjunctus

Reza Hashemizadeh Assassin Bug
Assassin Bug suggestion by Reza Hashemizadeh Lat: 34.78 Lon: -92.498 years ago

Common name: Assassin Bug
Scientific name: Microtomus purcis

Reza Hashemizadeh Hieroglyphic Moth
Hieroglyphic Moth suggestion by Reza Hashemizadeh Lat: 19.85 Lon: -90.538 years ago

Common name: Hieroglyphic Moth
Scientific name: Diphthera festiva
Wikipedia: Diphthera festiva

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