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bayucca Augusto Patiño Ramirez KristenGilpin Gerardo Aizpuru
AntónioGinjaGinja Machi redbreed75 suzybousa
Ryan Fezz Trailing Indigo
Trailing Indigo commented on by Ryan Fezz Florida, USA8 years ago

Very common indeed and now a preferred host plant for the Ceraunus Blue Butterfly, which tends to fly low to the ground.

Ryan Fezz Golden Aster
Golden Aster commented on by Ryan Fezz Florida, USA8 years ago

I can tell you for sure its a Lupinus but the exact species is trickier

Ryan Fezz Glade Lobelia
Glade Lobelia commented on by Ryan Fezz Orlando, Florida, USA8 years ago

This is a tricky one. Its either Lobelia feayana or L. glandulosa. I personally lean to L. feayana due to the color of the stem.

Ryan Fezz Skullcap
Skullcap commented on by Ryan Fezz Florida, USA8 years ago

I am almost completely sure you have a Scutellaria that has gone to seed. I can guess integrifolia as its the most common but without more info thats the best I can do.

Ryan Fezz Southern Rockbell
Southern Rockbell commented on by Ryan Fezz Florida, USA8 years ago

W. marginata is the only species that occurs anywhere in central Florida so this must be it.

Ryan Fezz Yellow Milkwort
Yellow Milkwort commented on by Ryan Fezz Florida, USA8 years ago

Reminds me very much of another Yelow Milkwort, Polygala rugelii,

Ryan Fezz Marsh Seedbox
Marsh Seedbox commented on by Ryan Fezz Florida, USA8 years ago

PucaK had the right idea but was abit off. I am 100% sure you have Marsh Seedbox or Ludwigia palustris.

Ryan Fezz Rosy Camphorweed
Rosy Camphorweed commented on by Ryan Fezz Florida, USA8 years ago

I personally have always known the genus Pluchea as the Camphorweeds but then, thats what scientific names are for. Anyways, my money is on Pluchea baccharis or Rosy Camphorweed.

Ryan Fezz Passion Flower
Passion Flower commented on by Ryan Fezz Gainesville, Florida, USA8 years ago

Trust me, its incarnata. I work in the Natural History Museum right in front of NATL and walk those paths all the time.

Ryan Fezz Sandweed
Sandweed commented on by Ryan Fezz Florida, USA8 years ago

You do indeed have a Hypericum and my money is on Sandweed - Hypericum fasciculatum which likes it wet, can get as tall as you say and tends to have a rather irregular growing growing habit, which seems to be the case looking at your photos.

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