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yulia8473 Dan Doucette Reza Hashemizadeh alicelongmartin
Reza Hashemizadeh kittuandme LuckyLogan MUSE
TKBotting Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting commented on by TKBotting Ontario, Canada10 years ago

Thank Livian, I will take a peek at the link and see if I can narrow it down. The blue tinge could be a side affect of me attempting to correct an underexposed photo from my iPhone.

TKBotting Robber Fly
Robber Fly commented on by TKBotting Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA10 years ago

I have to say that it looks like ForestDragon is right -- Mallophora fautrix is a better match!

TKBotting Promethea Moth
Promethea Moth commented on by TKBotting Pennsylvania, USA10 years ago

Great Series!

TKBotting Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting commented on by TKBotting Ringgold, Georgia, USA10 years ago

It looks like Nicrophorus orbicollis covered in phoretic mites. Hard for me to tell about the beetle as it is so covered. Great bug! Thanks for sharing!

TKBotting Chinese oak silk moth
Chinese oak silk moth commented on by TKBotting 云南, Paracel Islands10 years ago

It looks like a Tussar Silk Moth Caterpillar, but I'm out of my range here -- might be a good place to start your search of an ID though!

TKBotting Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting commented on by TKBotting Ontario, Canada10 years ago

Nice one.

TKBotting Daring jumping spider
Daring jumping spider commented on by TKBotting Union Township, New Jersey, USA10 years ago

Hard to tell for certain with your photos, but this looks like a bold jumper to me (Phidippus audax).

TKBotting Jumping spider
Jumping spider commented on by TKBotting Ontario, Canada10 years ago

Great set! Thanks for sharing!

TKBotting Jumping Spider
Jumping Spider commented on by TKBotting Bel Aire, Kansas, USA10 years ago

Looks like a bold jumper to me. Nice one!

TKBotting Large Diamond-backed Jumper
Large Diamond-backed Jumper commented on by TKBotting Niagara Falls, ON, Ontario, Canada10 years ago

Nice! What has it got? Looks likes small bold jumper.

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