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Indoesea-East Java

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Malcolm Wilton-Jones CynthiaMHori Carolina alicelongmartin
maplemoth662 Johan Heyns Jacob Gorneau windyj1215
UrifahRidlo wasp moth
wasp moth commented on by UrifahRidlo Indonesia11 years ago

thanks Mona

UrifahRidlo Harris's Three-spot Moth
Harris's Three-spot Moth commented on by UrifahRidlo Florida, USA11 years ago


UrifahRidlo Common five Ring
Common five Ring commented on by UrifahRidlo Jawa Timur, Indonesia11 years ago

@ Juan may I join the pollinator mission now? because I have butterfly on flower

UrifahRidlo Common five Ring
Common five Ring commented on by UrifahRidlo Jawa Timur, Indonesia11 years ago

finally, I can have photo of this butterfly with open wings. it because today is drizzling all day. There is still sun light that is why while pollinating the flower she opens her wings.

UrifahRidlo butterfly skipper
butterfly skipper commented on by UrifahRidlo Jawa Timur, Indonesia11 years ago

finally my observation toward this butterfly life cycle is complete :)

UrifahRidlo Autumn Leaf
Autumn Leaf commented on by UrifahRidlo Malang, Jawa Timur, Indonesia11 years ago

thanks for the ID Bayucca

UrifahRidlo Autumn Leaf
Autumn Leaf commented on by UrifahRidlo Malang, Jawa Timur, Indonesia11 years ago

any one want to give ID suggestion for this butterfly?

UrifahRidlo orchid
orchid commented on by UrifahRidlo Jawa Timur, Indonesia11 years ago

the pollenium is inthe middle

UrifahRidlo Eastern Gray Squirrel
Eastern Gray Squirrel commented on by UrifahRidlo Pensacola, Florida, USA11 years ago


UrifahRidlo Psyche
Psyche commented on by UrifahRidlo Jawa Timur, Indonesia11 years ago

thanks for ID Nuwan

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