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Mark Ridgway Christiane MartinL Leuba Ridgway
maplemoth662 Anya3 JamesPriest2
Vinny Major Mitchel Cockatoo
Major Mitchel Cockatoo commented on by Vinny NSW, Australia4 years ago we'd be happy for u to use the photo as a painting reference, no payment required but we'd love to see the finished product! Cheers.

Vinny Rainbow Spiny Orb-weaver
Rainbow Spiny Orb-weaver commented on by Vinny Northern Territory, Australia6 years ago

No worries Thalita.

Vinny Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting commented on by Vinny Northern Territory, Australia7 years ago

Thanks for the info John.

Mark- Baked during the dry season and now steamed during the wet ;)

Vinny Dwarf Tree Frog
Dwarf Tree Frog commented on by Vinny Northern Territory, Australia7 years ago

Cheers, Daniele

Vinny Spider wasp with Huntsman
Spider wasp with Huntsman commented on by Vinny Victoria, Australia7 years ago

What an amazing thing to see Leuba, strait out of a David Attenborough doco

Vinny Orange-Bellied Parrot
Orange-Bellied Parrot commented on by Vinny Tasmania, Australia7 years ago

Great spot Brett! Is it the decline in salt marsh in Vic limiting numbers? I was in Melaleuca a few years ago to start a hike but wasn't lucky enough to see an orange belly, such an amazing place!

Vinny Blue-winged Kookaburra
Blue-winged Kookaburra commented on by Vinny Northern Territory, Australia7 years ago

Thanks guys, the comments are much appreciated.

Vinny Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting commented on by Vinny SP, SP, Brazil7 years ago

Oxalis sp., never seen one with a red flower before

Vinny African Daisy
African Daisy commented on by Vinny California, USA7 years ago

Looks like an Osteospermum sp. (Africian Daisy)

Vinny Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting commented on by Vinny Northern Territory, Australia7 years ago

Thanks mark

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